Course Number



December 28, 2025 - January 02, 2026

Ten Thousand Island Sea Kayaking

This six-day sea kayaking expedition takes students through a maze of lush mangrove tunnels in a land of contrast: between tropic and semi-tropic, land and sea, and salt and fresh water. Participants will work together as they learn to read tide charts and maps, explore fragile and unique ecosystems, cook and set-up camp on white sandy beaches under the stars and paddle to new areas each day within the Ten Thousand Islands in Southern Florida.

Tuition & Payment
Please refer to your Applicant Portal to confirm your balance and make payment. 
If you are unsure of your balance due, please call 1-800-878-5258 or email [email protected]

Please review the Application & Cancelation Policies. 

If your payment is not received by the due date listed in your Application Portal, you will risk losing your position on the course and your $500 deposit.